Monday, December 28, 2009


Third post of the month!
Went out with Jack Lee to buy present for jon's bday~
Didnt know that we actually went all the way to city hall -.-
Bought a wallet,and shared the price with gav.
Celebrated Jon's bday by eating sakae with him~shiok arh. :D
Gav,Erw,Jack(lee) were also there as well~hahaha.
Ate like some crazy pigs -.- ...
Here r some pics~
This is just the starting...
1 of these fat plates is around 15 servings of sushi :x

Ate many more stuffs~lazy to take the pics.
After that,jon came to my house to slack and play for awhile.
Happy birthday(although quite late),faggot.
NCC ppl were told to help out to sell the uniforms in sch.
It was quite sian,the only motivation for us to carry on helping is to look out for chiobu lo. LOL.
(jk,im innocent :D!)
Many asshole parents out there complained to every single little things we do lo -.-
I was just standing infront of the counter to invite them, manage the crowd and advertise some issues.
Than 1 parent came to me and said..
"See lah u,make us queue so long,im very busy you know. All your fault. >:/"
WTF?! Of course must make them queue right -.- if not let them cut queue meh.
Another parent more no link...
"Boy. Why your hair so long?Your school duno how to discipline u isit? Omg. >:("
Walao,totally nothing to do with the queuing and just scold me. :(
Im there to help out,not get suaned for no reason D:
Went to chambers after that,and had a longgggg longgggg nap at home after chambering.
Ok,i will skip all the way to the jurong outing~
Jack(ong) came to my house in the morning to meet up first,
met up together with boonsong,janson and robin at the mrt platform around 3pm.
Talked cock all the way from sembawang to jurong~
Went swimming there.
Each of us rent the float for $3 :(
Enter liao,than immediately jumped to the lazy pool~
I was like so shuang,sitting on the float and getting pushed by the current.
But about 5 seconds later,boonsong go surprise attack me and flip my float upside down D:<
No wonder robin was like so scared to go near boonsong -.-
When we were getting pushed around by the lazy pool,the 5 of us were like attacking each other's float~
Janson kept leaving his float alone so can attack others more easily but in the end boonsong go throw his float away far far to some plants area LOL.
Every1's float in the end got thrown out by one another.
Except for gay robin :x.
Went to the wave pool(dunno the name of it).
Had lots of waves pushing us around~We were like holding onto each other's float so can balance.
But soon,i got owned by the waves and got seperated :(
I shall talk less about this part since it was sian for me(i got owned by the waves) D:
Next,the slide~ I think its 4 stories high? LOL.
Slide like nobody's business~screamed all the way.
Alot of ppl were like laughing at our screams.
They also laughed kept laughing cos we always fail to land properly when we exit from the slide -.-!
Ate some snacks,and we went home~
Took lots of pics along the way,LOL.
Gay scandal part 1.
Jack looks sad. LOL.
Fantastic 4?

Fantastic 4. LOL. Gays. :x

Me and jack~(Pro on the left,noob on the right.)~

Gayasses :D.

Quite blurr due to the mrt -.-
We all look so happy!
Serious faces.

Gay scandal part 2.
Gay scandal part 3.

Me and blurrish robin. LOL.

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