Sunday, January 31, 2010


Will 2010 be a good year??
I doubt so D:
Miss 2009 so much~sigh.
First few weeks of school are tiring..cos have many periods of lessons in a day,compared to sec3.
Somemore I haven start studying yet :/
Told myself to stop gaming,hope that i can resist bah.
Although didnt game,but also dont have the will to study -.-
Tomorrow is Feb already,i have to buck up~

Formed a study group with jack and taewoo.
Almost every sunday we will go to AMK library to do homework/study.
Had a motivation camp from tues-friday.
Quite effective? i guess,hahaa,need to get rid of my laziness~
When the instructor told us to write down our future plannings,i totally got stucked.
Didnt know if i want to go to JC or
But i shall put down JC bah,to push myself harder.
Target for l1r5? 8-12 bah..such high aims,can achieve or not is another story :(
Not sure if the skills learnt from the motivation camp is useful or not,shall try it soon.
The instructors,Stuart and Candice,told us some stories to us,had quite a good time there.
Did some activities too..
After the whole thing was over,
Engkiong,jack,ezra,quang son,sahril,vincent and i played badminton in the school hall.
Exhausted,but fun :D
Had tuition yesterday afternoon as usual,then went to gym with boon,robin and stewart at night.
Dinnered with boon,went home after that.
Soon after i went home,realised that my father striked 4D. LOL.
Didnt earn alot lah,but still $$$~woot.
Hmm..hottest event on Feb, CHINESE NEW YEAR! $$$$ + holiday~!~HOHOHO.
Looking forward to it~hahaa.

Time to go off to do my homeworks.
Bye,dont miss me too much! :l :) :D~

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