Sunday, December 20, 2009

Random post.

Feel like posting although its not a month yet~
Went for 2 movies this week, both were disappointing D:
1 movie was NewMoon,with kaileong and co.
The other was Stormwarriors 2 (风云2) with gav,jon and erw~less disappointing than newmoon.
Had lots n lots of swimming with jack,boonsong,engkiong,robin,jansonn and vinc.
I tink iv gotten tanner? dont care -.-
As usual, had several jogs with boonsong too.
Recently went out to study with engkiong n quan.
Didnt rly noe where to do homewrk...
In the end went to sch~wahahaha :D
Not only we got to explore around,mr goh also opened for us an aircon room to study!! WOOT.
Mr goh rocks for once! (Joking~he rocks fulltime -.-)
New sch is like round round 1. From far far away see,its like some factory =.="
Have the factory-kind of colour, with those retarded machines around (didn build finish yet i guess).
Arhhh, wadever. dont care~
Had a briefing for NCC and GG people to help the sch sell uniforms.
After that,went to chambers with janson,robin and boons.
Many funny scenes in l4d2 were created by janson when we were playing. LOL!
Lazy to write down the details.
Went swimming agn wif engkiong,jans,rob and boon at yck~
The tiles cut my toe and realised that i was bleeding D: so suay.
Swam abit already,than decided to play catching at the medium pool followed by baby pool.
Had a retarded scene at the baby pool.
Janson was the catcher, once i know liao than immediately go hide behind the slide.
Realised that theres a mini waterfall,so i went underwater and hid under the splashes made by the waterfall~
Sooo, janson didnt realise that i was there and went to catch robin instead LOL.
Robin was laffing when he saw that -.-, but later,he just realised that he got caught...hahahaa -.-!
Im such a pro~ hohoho :p
Went to mac for lunch,than chambers for l4d2 with robin and boon.
About 2h alr...than went to mac again for icecream~~~ :D
Thats about all.

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