Monday, August 24, 2009

After common tests...

Back here agn after a month :D~hmm..common tests r over,but still feeling quite stressful due to my chem n physics results. =( Duno y the results i get always lik roller coaster,keep going up n down.. up n down =.=! But at least tis time round my eng, geog n both maths managed to get A bah. :p Gotta work harder n upgrade my roller coaster to aeroplane~ always flying high high~ =)~

National day was crappy, was appointed to be the marker for the NDP n had to shout a few commands..had only 3 rehearsals, managed to shout loud cos dun hav the drums. But during the actual day... mr loh decided to ask the band ppl to play the drums,so tat the whole thing appear to be more grand -.- , alot of ppl screwed up when they march in the parade, luckily im nt in the group of them :p. Drums were beside me,therefore i didn sound loud ): hais.

The day before was somebody's bday~ :x but he didnt allow me to tell others lah,anyway,happy bday~ haha. Had tuitions as usual..n rotted at home just like how im rotting now -.-, didnt attend the bbq for ytd~ >.<>.>" another reason is tat i dun wana spend too much money bah. Went jogging wif kky n kkc,when we jus began to run that time,den it started to rain liao!~ D: but still..we heck care n jus ran =p.

Been ages since i wore the sch tie -.- no doubts,i looked equally shuai (DUH LOL =X) n started the sch wif mrs fong talking craps on stage *YAWN*. Quite a normal day..jus tat mdm sheila didnt come~ WOOT ! =P did abit of maths n played truth or dare, however we banned truth so only can dare,LOL^^. Saw a noobcake jumping like a rabbit,n afterwards waddle like a duck,cos we told tat person to do so when got pointed by the bottle~hahaaha :x
Gtg now,bye noobs~ :p

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