Sunday, July 19, 2009


NEW POST IS HERE!!! Another mth fly pass fast! =(~ Recently went to the bbq jace organised,to my surprise its fun O.O,accept tat it rained lahD= ok,im gona post up the pri sch bbq pics now~ (I NOE LATE LAH~ BUT BTER LATE DEN NVER! MUAHAHA).

FAQ: Y is melvin in my pri sch class photo?
ANS: Becos he is my pri sch classmate -.-

Jack (lee) getting owned in the pool =D.

Lazy to post more pics..hmm,now i go n post the bbq jace organised bah >.>

Haiss..everyday busy,time very packed D: so sry if didnt post regularly~will try n post as soon as possible. Nowadays also hardly play dota liao,hand kinda itchy n feel lik playing alrdy..but again,NO TIME. =(. Very tired..ever since june holidays ended,only slept for like 5-6hr per day,poor me :(.

K,shall talk abit bout sec3 bbq. Meeting time was 3.45pm,than i damn sian,tuition end at 3.15 and hav to rush lik crazy to gather at toa payoh =( in the end late by few minutes :x ps~. Went to the condo which is near marine parade,very nice O.O reach there liao immediately chiong n swim~ezra thought me how to do butterfly strokes,although im pro..=x but in the end still couldnt do it (im nt noob rawr~). Played a game dj suggested..forgot the name liao,but tat game quite zai ..hav to ride onto some1 and push other players off who r oso riding on some1. lol~

After tat was dinner~food was quite good =p. Played a hand-whacking game wif melvin and gang,too bad play halfway alrdy den nid rain like crazy~nid to go to jace's house. Slacked there awhile n played murderer,play until quite next few days whenver have free period,den will play tat agn =D Went home at bout 11+~

Today went swimming wif engkiong,jack n joel~ no chiobu see :( ~ [Joking hahaa]. Taught jack n engkiong to swim,they roughly get it le bah,we look so matured but end up behaving lik kids in the pool :pkeep splashing n bullying one another like retards :x .After tat,jack came to my house to play dota while waiting for my tuition to end >.> ,and looking at how he is getting owned =X,decided to go out wif him n slack outside now~ BYEBYE NOOBCAKES. =) will try to post soon.

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