Sunday, September 27, 2009

only still at the 19th post!

Realised that im still only the 19th post D:~ will try to post up more oftenly>.>"
Ok..EOY's coming soon,n so im gonna put in more effort to be nerdier :p
Had several outings with the usual gang to nerd around(study),
and none of them failed to laugh at my anyhow-haircut done by the
Nice adjectives for the barber rite? Ty,i know :D,this is the result of studying hard which improved my vocab tremendously. ^^~
Went to the ncc camp..only janson,sahril,shamil,boonsong n i were sent there for our promotion~
there is the place where our ranks went up,
and our hair went down D:<
Have to wait for a few more weeks for my normal hair to return..hais.
Hmm~had a celebration for our boss,quanquan,for his upcoming bday :) Played badminton n captain ball there~FUN~hahaha,thanks alot for treating us the food for the bbq,boss! LOL.
Rode the bike at night,almost every1 was like so fast lo..overtake me n engkiong so quickly -.-
and den left us behind D: ,met up at the playground n fooled around there~hahalol ^^
Had an accident when i was going downslope..*ouch* =( but luckily,didnt knock till the boy bah.
Benjamin SOS-ed me back to the chalet place wif the doubleseat bike :/ tyty.
Oya,forgot to add in,we played something at the playground which had a tyre for 1 person to seat on it,a wire connected to the tyre which is tied onto a bar,
and than we push that person and make him fly when the tyre stop at the end.
When daryl's turn to seat..he alrdy had a bad feeling,
den XX,melvin,engkiong n i pushed him tgt...and than,BOOM. he FLIED 180degrees upwards LOL. Spectacles flew off somemore~lol~
it was real funny lah,every1 literally LOLed >.<
Overnighted for a night there..played true or dare( benjamin,tis is for u _l_) :x n played Cheat.
Gambled through the night~captain balled the nxt morning,n also went swimming,played the noob water guns n some games,rofl~
(summarised abit,too lazy to write all :X)
Didnt expect the chalet to be so fun cos most of the ppl there were from e2 :/
Skip to yesterday~went out wif engkiong n joel to the time melvin came,i left alrdy >.>
Today..initially planned to do chem proj -.- but was cancelled cos we realised tat didnt hav internet n taewoo coudlnt make it D: postponed to 1 of these days~
Had 2 tuitions today..suppppeeerrrr boring day,couldnt take the boredom anymore n went jogging alone just now at 8pm :/.
thats all,noobs!~!~

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