Saturday, June 20, 2009


Hmmm..bout a month since i updated,n i guess my tagboard oso bout to die too =( ppl tag leh~! Anyway,sry for those ppl hu tagged my old tagboard,couldnt retrieve it back and so..ya,cant reply u all =x .

Too many things to im not gona write all of them. Of course i wont write bout the sad ones too :) too bad for u all~ Ok,recently had a primary 6 bbq~ most of us nver met for about 3 years already! However most of us still look the same bah,all still carrying the jiao face =D(jkjk.) Suprisingly quite alot of us went for the bbq,went there liao..than after awhile,the boys decided to 偷偷 play basketball. But we got caught D:,liyin was like..asking us to help out wif the food,actually we all wan pretend didnt hear her de..but me n gavin too kind,so went to help :X. Help cook abit le,went to bball court and joined jeremy and melvin to play basketball wif other ppl >< Play 1 game le than hungry..went back to eat~ After that,played truth or dare,very dumb lah..only can dare no truth -.-" in the end the bottle kena everybody,and everybody decided to do the same thing...its to jump into the swimming pool =.="!

When we were playing truth or dare,jack(jack lee not jack ong~) and jonathan at 1 side keep drinking redwine -.-" ,damn retarded lah..drink redwine until their faces also turn red. Jack the best..even eyes n ears also red,than we dragged him along to the pool also...and all ganged him! muahahaha~ keep splash water at his jackass face :X! Gang until very firs is splash water,than later is push...finally,beat =)!. But cos is those kind joking joking beat only lah!~怎么说我也是个好人!=DDD not pain de =)~ Took some pictures,mayb ltr den i post them up bah.

Recently watched movie wif gavin,jon,jack,jianwen,dezhi,eunice. Watched terminator salvation,quite ok..actually thought of watching ghost of girlfriend's past,but since they dun wan den dun wan lo. After tat..went to mac to do homewrk :/ ,and...ya..tats almost all bout it. Dont wana make this post a long,bye ppl..

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