Monday, May 18, 2009


Rawr~the great guy is gonna blog again! Ok..time flies,so many days no post alrdy.=( Sry ppl,hope u all didnt miss my posts too much =P~. Went to jonathan's house almost every weekend wif erw and jack to study,c i so hardworking! =) But hor..usually go there alrdy den keep on chatting ,see jon play comp and watch tv -.-" . We oso hav go to library to study order to nt get distracted by the comp. However,go library still keep chatting non-stop ... at least we made the effort ok~ =X . Met lots of primary sch frens along the way to the library.. all of them couldnt recognise me,except 4 eunice (eunice koh not swee -.-) . Was kinda shocked,than asked if she isit eunice,than she said NO =.=" ,den nth to say n went back home. But than reach home alrdy,she smsed me n admitted she was lying -.-"she had her reasons.

Played basketball wif engkiong toni they all during weekends too,toni jump so high man! As if his shoes gt springs.. =.=,cant rly recall the other events we had,having a bad headache now T-T. Oya..recalled tat i recieved presents during bday~ thnk u to the following ppl~: joel,andy,toni,engkiong,jack,sweemei,yuting,michelle. Also ty to the guys 4 nt taupoking me =D! But u all still very diao lah,go classroom and write my name all over on the whiteboard n foolscap papers -.- ,wad a 'memorable' bday huh boonsong. =.="

Jump to today. Today had our last paper ~ quite easy bah,but i most worried for my chi and amaths D= they were difficult ='( . Aft the paper.. some frens came to my house play dota n slack. K lah..dun wna drag tis post any longer.. having a bad headache n flu=(((. May b swineflu~ touchwood. Byebye ppl...

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