Monday, March 23, 2009

Yoyo~ back from the damn you ppl missed me so terribly much =D,its normal to miss such a great n handsome person like me,no nid to feel paiseh =P.Wasted 4 days of my life at there..only the last day was meaningful cos i recieved my rank! Free 10 cca points!~!~ yay~ cheers for the shuai guy~. is andy's bday~gave him some chocolates which i cant manage to finish for christmas,see i so nice,giv him opportunity to clear stock for the King Kee Hong =X, went to taupok(stack above) him wif boonsong,robin,janson etc..+giv him the KH birthday package of 15 free punches cos he turned 15 today =D,today his birthday den i giv him punches for free leh,how kind of me ^.^ bet he feel loved by us =X.

Hmm,today oso can say is quite a lucky day bah ^^ ,at firs is pick up 20 cents from floor...den afterwards nt long later i found a ring ... dunno wad to do wif it >.> ,dunno hu it belongs to.

hais,no fun liao..taiwoo no longer botak,cant rub his head anymore =( . Today firs 2 periods PE,went to do situps,shuttle run n standing broad jump.. screwed up for my shuttle run,at firs run fast fast de,den later during the firs break tat time,accidently twisted my feet a little..damn ouch lah =( but no choice continue running lor,den in the end gt a lousy timing..jus pass only D= sad.Aft PE is all the way sian periods.Ytd was told tat had Amaths test,but den in the end tcher say no hav -.-" ,den was like so shiok lor =/ gt more time to study for test~ , k lah i stop here le..kinda busy..bye ppl.

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