Sunday, March 29, 2009

crazy week

Omg 1 week no post alrdy~ time flies so quickly... anyway Happy Bday to Sweemei!~!~ ( psps i post very late,her bday is at 25th march >.< ) , she recieved alot of presents,dam good lo,mus hav been the happiest siewmai on earth tat day (jkjk!). Hope can recieve alot of presents on my bday too ^^ ,anyway glad tat she didn mind my present.. >.> kinda shocked(in a gd way) when she thanked me aft sch,cos i dun rly tink my present is nice..zzz

yay~im a seargeant alrdy~ i think nxt week onwards can start to order the lower sec ppl around lik a king liao =DD , but dun wry,being a kind,caring,compassionate great guy,i wont anyhow abuse my great power n bully them de =p. Was told by the seargeant major to be the MC for the ncc talk...damn sian -.-" ,lucky oso hav janson pei me to be MC,share some burden. Hais,lessons were normal..except recently ms tang chose some students to talk abt wad they learnt aft the SS lesson -.-" ,den so unlucky was the 27th march..den she chose register number 27 (the great and handsome me) to go n talk infront of the class =( , but luckily nt only me lah,still gt engkiong and another girl i forgot.. , so nt tat sian. Fason's attempt to make a fool of me during my small talk to the class failed terribly,he asked me to repeat my last statement say cos i didnt speak loud enuf(i spoke quite loud i think) , den his plan backfired lah, after he said tat sentence,den i told him tat i cant hear wad he said n told him to speak louder,den he show the " >=( " liao,lolol =D. Aft that went to play basketball,den at nite went jogging wif kkc cos bored -.-

Ytd went to go swimming wif kkc,damn sian lah,swim awhile tired alrdy,donnoe wad happened to stamina to jog but no stamina to swim.. sigh. After tat went to jon's house to kill some time,lester was oso at jon's house,den go there n rest awhile..den went to eat dinner wif them,ate finish dinner in like 10min,but we chat for like 3h -.-" , so many things to tok abt..haha. Im stopping here,time to slp,cya kkh fans~ =x

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