Sunday, March 15, 2009


Woot!~ The handsome guy is back to blog! Nowadays very busy doing didnt come n blog for quite a long time,bet u ppl miss my posts which worth $10000 alot =X But im gona go off for the nxt 4 days D=. Sian lah..monday-thursday gona go for ncc camp. Go there waste my precious life only zzz,still gt a pile of homewrk waiting for me to waste more of my life =( . A holiday which is worse den normal sch days... sad T_T .

Now my class hav 2 monks~ guess my class can become a part time temple le =X hope they wont view my blog =P. Went to plae basketball wif the usual ppl,except tat this time round gt 2 more monks joining the game =D, played under the rain, but no fear! The great guy is fit and healthy =)! After tat,went to collect report book. Grades were nt good compared to last time,somemore failed a few subjects D=< so many damn careless mistakes..grrr..must improve the grades by any means,gonna study harder after march hols.

These days sometimes encounteered some short girls(u noe hu r u lah hor =X),keep on suan me suan until dammmnnn shuang lah =.=,but of cos i gt suan back..this is self defense ok >=),im the innocent 1! haha jkjk.. =D

ytd me n jack(ong nt lee) planned to do homewrk tgt at Mac. But later decided to come my house for awhile,at the same time plae abit of dota,den ltr he told me a piece of bad news,not totally bad though...hais =(. Went to Mac to hav our dinner n do homewrk,we were like adding alot of pepper to the fries..but dont taste spicy at all -.-" ,do abit of homewrk liao,den in the end we chatted alot,mainly chatted about BGR thingys lol >< . Chat till 10.30+ .. den he gtg alrdy. Nt gona post anything bout today yet bah,since its still early >.> , gt anything interesting den the great guy will be kind enuf to share his interesting n wonderful life to u ppl by editting this post~ =D

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