Tuesday, March 3, 2009


yoyo ppl~~ guess wad? the handsome guy is back to post!~!~ i noe u all very excited to read about my post lah,okok i continue my post now =X

ok,went to sch wif joel. Was like chatting n chatting n chatting all the way as we walk to sch...firs period was physics. Got back my physics results, failed.. D=, i tink 1/2 of the class failed bah,top 2 is kwong son n jack again (i think). Hais,aft physics den english..den 2 periods of chemis..so siannnn. Had psme after tat,once again the great guy answered the tcher's question correctly n got a chocolate as a reward =D( FYI : i wont answer tcher's question if no chocolate/sweet). Den was told hav dunno wad group work which will b our SA1 psme results..damn sian.

I thought the nxt 3 periods of a-maths gonna be chao ji sian.. but didnt expect to hav laughed so damn much lah. Laughed so much until now my stomach still pain.. haha. Firs period quite normal,den later ezra take tae woo de HP purposely call me,somemore i didn set my HP to silent mode.. almost get caught by teacher =( , den aft tat they did tat to some other ppl too.. soon they felt bored, and den go and had some fashion game among themselves.

Tae woo go n tuck in the uniform ( our uniform is supposed to be tucked out ) , somemore tuck very in,and den pull the pants so bloody high until almost his chest area. Ezra did the same,den later they both go and fold the longpants until as short as our sch's pe pants length.. damn funny lah, den later go and put on the school tie,pull the tie length and tied the tie like a ribbon until the length above the shirt's pocket,somemore still button up all the buttons. Tats not all,tae woo still go and keep showing his 'mei tui'(beautiful legs in chinese) and began to slap it..as if seducing us.Somemore tae woo cut his hair botak,wif his big big specs,act like nerd until so real..den ezra still hav his councilor badge,like some guai kia lik tat..hahahaa. Thx to them den the lesson nt boring,lols ^^. If i everyday laugh tis much,den my stomach sure will pain until grow 6pacs liao lah~ ok,the handsome guy is gona stop here. Cya ppl!~

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