Saturday, February 28, 2009

wah..1 week didnt update my pro blog alrdy, u guys mus be missing my wonderful posts :X .

Went to watch movie wif andy,edwin,boonsong,yongkeat,jiale,kaileong,wenxuan,swee,yt. We took taxi there.. den ltr reach there alrdy,wanted to play arcade! but den no1 told me hav outing earlier den i didnt bring home clothes..den cannot go arcade!!

GRRR~jus cos didn wear home clothes den cannot plae arcade..WAD IS THIS MAN?! >=( . Den swee,kaileong,boonsong,andy,wenxuan go inside arcade happily n wave byebye to those hu didnt wear home clothes wif evil smiles on their faces . Hahaha jus kidding =P. Sian..cant go arcade,den no choice go walk walk around amk hub. Walk walk awhile liao den i hungry le..faster go food court find kaileong etc. Eat finish liao den watch the duno wad movie,quite sian..4got wad title alrdy,about hitler and crap de -.-" . Watch liao den punch here punch there wif edwin n andy..

Den remembered tmr hav spot check for hair!~ Omg..had to faster go n cut cos ms tang caught my hair twice alrdy,say my hair too long T-T. , no choice lor,hav to go cut hair, damn heng sia..the saloon 8pm close,i 8.05 reach,den the boss closing the shop alrdy,but she see me handsome den cut for me =DDDD .

ok, COMMON TEST OVER MUAHAHAHA!~ but, nid to prepare for mid year exam zzzzz T-T . Sian..not used to short hair.. , hope will grow longer soon. Nxt.. had ncc,the staff still say my hair long ... wth D= .

ytd was a short day..~ yay. only have 5 periods of lessons =D . den tcher return ss paper. 10/12~ yay. After sch den played basketball wif engkiong ,jack, joel,andy and alot more.. den jack came to my house n play dota wif eugene n daryl. Den went to eat lunch wif jack..we eat finish in less den 10min, but we chat for more den 2hours.. haha. The great guy is tired,he shall stop at here for now :X

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