Sunday, February 22, 2009

ytd was superrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr boringgggggggggggggggggggggggggg. Rotted at home for alot of hours..den went to play dota for awhile. Tats all for yesterday =D,short n sweet. I am such a pro in my summary!~ i summarised my whole day's life in 18 words!~!Muahahaha.

Today met up wif jon and erw. Den come my house play yugioh (not my idea to plae tat outdated game hor!) -.-" , play awhile alrdy den feel bored liao,let both of them play wif each other. while waiting for them to plae finish,i go n use my pro voice to sing some songs from my karaoke thingy =D..den sing awhile liao the tuition teacher come >=( ,they played dota while waiting for my tuition to end..afterwards go eat sunplaza(again) eat lunch..hais so sian. Eat liao den actually wanted to play badminton,but tat jon dun wan plae den in the end plae yugioh again................ D= . Play till 7+ alrdy den erw left =(,den jon 9+ den go back..he chi bao mei shi zuo den come my house slack here slack there slack everywhere =(,come my house to snatch oxygen and produce carbon dioxide nia!~ D= ,wad a inconsiderate person =X,jkjk >.< . Omg i didnt study my SS yet =(((,cya~

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