Saturday, February 21, 2009


sorry 4 nt posting for quite a long time my fans :X , was kinda busy..and lazy. Ok..many things happened in those previous days.

sigh,1 classmate of mine,yuha, suddenly said tat he nid to fly back to korea and stay at there for a long time..den our class was like...'y so sudden!?' . Hais,his reply was tat his parents working in korea and his sister oso studying at there,so go back and accompany them. But i rather his whole family come singapore and he dun fly back to korea lor =( , no more beating and tickling at one another liao D=. Now my whole body feels itchy cos got 1 less person come and whack and tickle me..hais,i think he will oso miss those beatings from me and the others =/ . Took alot of pictures during the farewell gathering for yuha,but i only recieved half of them >=(,the others all inside the camera which yuha took back to korea liao =(, until now yuha didnt send me yet!~ he bter watch out when he come back to singapore >=D . Hais..duno when he will be back to singapore though..=(, hope to see him soon. Im sure he oso hopes to see me soon due to my handsomeness tat everybody is jealous of :X, hahaha. K lah,i admit tis time im being bhb for once :X.

ytd went to plae badminton wif qing ai de jack =X(jack ong not jack lee),together wif andy,jack's fren and my bro,dun rly hav the spirit to plae badminton..kinda no mood. Booked a badminton court at yio chu kang CC, actually booked from 4-6pm,but den we play till 6.30 >.< , super tiring.. ok.. i dun wana continue from here anymore..cya ppl

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