Monday, February 16, 2009


Ok..tis is my 2nd post. Recieved complains from many ppl tat my blog very bhb D= ,im just being a honest boy saying out the truth and sharing my meaningful opinions =D! So dun say i bhb hor!~!~

hmm,lets talk bout ytd...

ytd woke up at 11.30+,went to eat n den alrdy 12+ liao. Then i realised tat day hav tution..somemore 12.45 the teacher come! I used my extremely pro brains and hands to think and write quickly and chiong finish all the tuition homewrk~=x..bloody tuition ruined my outing wif kaileong etc.. D= . After the tuition,played a game of dota to relief some stress , couldve won tat match if my teamate didnt let the enemy earn so much money =( . Tat match ended liao..den kkc (bro) jio me to go jogging.. den since nth to do den go jog lor. Nth rly interesting happend ytd..

Today is late day~ met up wif joel n went to sch tgt. Had the dunno wad test for PE ... lvl 7 .. D= 1 more stage den i level 8 le =( . But subhash said boys get lvl 6 very good le..if get above tat den is excellent,meaning im excellent!~ =D (consoling myself cos lost to quite some ppl..) haha >.< , den reach back to class liao,firs thing is hear the jiao penguin complain me say i bhb >=( ,made me speechless. EL lesson~ had the grp work thingy,our grp very pro lah, whole presentation for the grp work less than 15words! Short And Sweet!~ =D. Den i forgot hav A-maths test..wan see through n revise oso late alrdy,but nvm lah,i so smart sure can pass the test 1 =D!~!~Went sunplaza(again) n ate wif my boyfrens =x (jkjk). They r jack,boonsong n joel..den we talk cock until 5.30,den go home le lor. Stop here bah, cya

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