Sunday, February 15, 2009

First post!

My first time here~
ytd very few lessons~yay~,first period is free somemore!Dun wana mention wad happened in sch..after sch went to plae table soccer n bball,den went to sunplaza eat wif andy n robin. Hais,sian lor,everytime go sunplaza eat de :/ . Felt tat didnt plae enough yet,so go n plae badminton after eating~ robin plae awhile den go n hog the psp le -.-" , hais,my badminton skills deproved le D: ,plae bout 1h le den rest. When resting,some badminton sch team players come n kope our court D:< ,so me n andy go n challenge them. 1st match,=( lost by a few points, nxt 2 games win! :D,thx to my pro-ness~ =).Win liao den faster zao le~make them lose face(andy at the time gtg). Tats all for ytd.

ok,today is Valentines Day,went to K wif 6 boyfrens instead of a girlfren :X(just kidding).
they are 6 jiao kias:
robin the noob
jiao cousins(andy+edwin)
kaileong(thx for organising tis outing~)
yongkeat the 'great'(notice the inverted commas)
jiale ----___----

go there sing n plae pool,quite fun bah. Main thing is got alot of snacks to eat =)! yk and jl sang 'stay alive' in their gay version, very wth lah haha,we all hear alrdy den cant stop loling.Andy recorded a small part of it.Kl parents nice sia,blanja us Mac!Den after awhile,we were told tat the room booked by other ppl..den nid to shoo us off~ D: ,no choice,hav to let my great singing get heard by a group of adults for free :X. In the end me n andy's throat very sore le..sang too then alrdy 10 le.. must go back alrdy =(. Time flies so quickly when we r enjoying ourselves..having lessons tat time den time move so slowly..unfair!~ Tats about it,kl mother gave $30 for us to share for taxi fee(so nice sia),reach home le den start to blog.Hais,2am liao..i go slp le bah,cya~

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