Saturday, April 25, 2009

Long time since i posted!

Yoyo~back to post =D! bout 3 weeks since i posted >.> srry readers,the great guy have a tight schedule =x. Also sry for replying u ppls' tags late arh,was lazy to reply back,so dun feel sad if i late reply u ppl,i hav my reasons~ =p. Seems lik i hav to reduce my bhbness cos some1 wasnt rly happy wif it =/ ,i'll try to lessen it bah...btw i rly tat bhb meh?? (^.^)?

K bah..nt gona post every single stuffs ever since the day i stopped posting,gona be veryy long =/,so im gona jus say some main events. Bout 3 wks ago went to yishun park there wif jon,carlo and another guy i forgotten (ps i cant rmb ur name >.< ) ,tat guy is jon's fren bah,we from yishun park jog allllll theeee wayyyy to seletar there,bout 5km bah D=.Most interesting part is when we reach seletar hor,we can find all sorts of rubbishs 1 =O! At firs far far see den felt tat the scenery vry nice,air very fresh,everything was postive lah. HOWEVER,when we reach on the spot alrdy,at firs saw a few soft drink cans and waterbottles,den we all kick those away cos blocking our route =),as we progress..we found empty packets of tidbits..den hav finish nets,plastic bags,power ranger toys -.-,soccer ball(WTH?See alrdy den immediately kicked into the sea =p),1 shoe (hu so stupid to walk back home forgetting to wear one of his shoes?!) and many other craps lah,even hav some animals' skeleton bones -.-". Den we sian,take some sticks n write things on the sand(nt gona say wad we wrote =p) n den took some pictures. We were tired..didnt felt lik walking all the way back to yishun park,so we took a free ride from a random stranger wif a lorry >=D ,we 4 were lik putting the 'thumbs up' signal along the road,so will hav ppl giv us free ride =p,firs time took free ride!~ weeee~~

Nxt week aft the seletar trip,went to plae bball at khatib wif melvin,jack,joel,eng kiong,eng teck and some other strangers..played till damn tired ~ poor jack kena scratched by the bball den gt 2 cuts on his face >.> ,gt win oso gt lose lo,nvm bah..jus a game =/.Few days ago had chi oral..offed my phone b4 entering the preparation room,after reading the passage,den went to go to the waiting points..was trying to find a lenient-looking teacher so tat my oral mayb can score a lil more marks ^^ ,n guess wad? I found kong lao shi~=p,heard tat shes quite kind de. Kinda feel sad for those ppl nxt to me..they had to take the gao lao shi who is ridiculously fierce -.-",lucky i chiong over to miss kong firs~ muahahahah. When entering the exam room,i tot my phone was switched on cos i forgot tat i already switched it off,so i pressed the power button and instead of switching it off,it turned on! =( ,while reading passage,CHIA WEN XUAN called me and my phone ranged >=(!!! ,nt silent mode somemore! Had to stop my passage and offed the phone,den apologised lik mad to miss kong, i tink she kind bah..hope wont deduct marks. Kinda panicked a little after the phone call >=(,dunno hows my oral results.. sigh. D=

Hais,lazy to post so much..i skip all the way to ytd bah =p,i noe u guys feel depressed 4 nt being able to noe everyday bout my great life lah..its ok de,dunnid too dissapointed~^^ . Had to practice for our rifle shooting thingy for ncc,stayed back to plae bball awhile and table soccer wif boonsong,robin n janson -.-" , took a bus to yishun safra there to shoot the artificial firing gun wif the lazor to practice shooting skills..everything was normal for the shooting part. Enjoyed the trip nt cos of the shooting,cos of boonsong's trick on fason ^^! He bought a pointer thingy which looks like a rod..quite long de,den when fason walked pass boon,boon was like 'hey fason,careful cos tis pointer gt electricity!' den fason showed the "O_O!!" face and ran far far,den we all noe fason tricked by boon liao,den purposely go disturb him =) . Was lik pointing the pointer at him,den he keep scared and ran around the room lik an idiot without IQ,me janson n robin was lik at a side giggling like mad lah =D,i even told robin to take a video >=D . Fason was very angry then,he made sure we all were out of the room,den locked the room and hide like a tortoise inside =/.But thats nt the end =) ,we threw water bottles into the room cos above the room hav gap~den he threw back the water bottle but den rebounce back at himself LOL!. When he finally managed to throw out the bottle,the teacher saw it and then scolded him =D wahaha~ Boonsong planned to trick him using tat thing for another year ~ =p

Went to plae bball agn tis morning wif the usual ppl + some engkiong's frens from chong cheng,play awhile alrdy den engteck accidently sprained his leg,hais. Went to jon's house wif jack,lester,erw after basketball,den laughed like crazy cos of some cartoon movie vcd we watched at jon's house, mess around at there until 4.30 and then came back home. Ok..hope will b able to blog soon =/ byebye....

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